Pictures and Pixels - Photographic Art and Beyond
National Salon 2016

Lenke Szilágyi



She completed the photography programme of the Vocational School for Fine and Applied Arts in 1980. She has taken part at solo and group exhibitions since 1981. A contributor to Beszélő between 1990–2010, she now takes photos for the film industry and theatres. She is a member of the Association of Hungarian Journalists and of the Hungarian Photographers’ Association. Albums: Fotóbrancs (Photo Gang, 1994), Látókép megállóhely (Látókép Stop, 1999), Fényképmoly (Photo Moth, 2004), Single Lens (2007). Awards: Balogh Rudolf Prize, 1999; Soros Foundation Székely Aladár Prize, 1999; Hungarian Photography Grand Prize, 2007; Artist of Merit, 2008; Artist of Excellence, 2012.

Base camp, Pakistan

70 × 117 cm

Base camp, Pakistan

Industrial landscape with fox, Tornanádaska

70 × 125 cm

Industrial landscape with fox, Tornanádaska